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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Santa Pictures

It's just not Christmas without a picture of someone crying on Santa's knee. Poor Little Joshie! He doesn't get the whole Santa thing quite yet. He did run up at first and check out Santa's bucket to see what treats he had. :o)


Awww, look at that sad, sweet little face!


Breakfast with Santa

The title should actually be "Breakfast with Santa whom we saw for a few minutes from a distance". :o)The breakfast was so much better last year. Santa walked around during breakfast and talked and took pictures. This year he read a book and then we didn't see him again. The kids did enjoy their goodie bags and Chick-Fil-A breakfast. Considering it was basically free, it was a pretty good deal! We went and saw Santa later on that day.

This is the only group picture we could get before Josh got away!




It is amazing how well behaved he looks here! It took a lot of effort to get one picture of him looking at the camera.

This was Josh's highlight of the event. He kept looking around for more trash to throw away. One of the thrills of having a two year old!!!