Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

When your husband gets a new TV...

...he will want a new built-in entertainment center to put it in. ;) We had these built-ins made by the same cabinet maker that did the rest of the house. They are the same as our kitchen cabinets, since the family room is open to the kitchen. It took 6 weeks to get them made. I am so glad that Josh can't get finger prints all over the TV any more.
Dean put speaker felt in the doors, so that the remotes work and we can hear the center speaker. The pics aren't the greatest, but you can get the idea.


& After

1 comment:

ML said...

I love the tv and cabinet. It's cool that you have so much storage. I especially liked the Diego "before" and the mean Thomas or Gordon train "after". That really set it off. I laughed when I saw the mean train!!! SuzannE, you are so cute!!!