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Friday, September 7, 2007

I Need More Practice...

..with my "new" camera. We bought a digital SLR camera just before last Christmas and I am still pretty bad at using it. I guess it's one of those things where it helps to read the instructions. I would say about half of the pictures I take on manual mode turn out blurry or focused on the wrong object. The reason I am telling you all of this is because I wanted to share a couple of pictures that are kind of out of focus, but too cute not to share.

Josh is noticing that we moved his swing to a tree.

BTW, I just realized that I haven't posted any new pictures in a month!!! Sorry about that. Things have been busy around here. My mom came for a visit, Nathan and Matthew started school and all 4 kids got a stomach flu that took a week to fully recover from. I will try to catch up this weekend.

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