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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Day Out With Thomas

This day was all for Matthew. Well, the other kids like Thomas, but nothing like the way Matt does. He has been waiting this day for a long time. We bought the tickets back in June. It was at the Austin Convention Center downtown. The train came right up next to the Center on tracks in the street.

"Hurry, Thomas is that way!"

Josh's little tantrum! :)

Thomas at last!

Waiting for our ride on Thomas.

All aboard!

Matthew was overwhelmed when he was meeting Thomas. He had a little melt down, but managed to put on a smile when promised some toys in the gift shop.

Here is Sir Topham Hatt. After the picture, Nathan said, "That guy was freaky!"

Enjoying a favorite snack.

Making Thomas hats

Josh was so cute with his James temporary tattoo. He kept pointing at it and saying, "oooooOOOoooo".

I think Dean took this picture just to scare me. I don't like escalators.

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