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Monday, November 10, 2008

Hailey's 5th Birthday

Princess Hailey is 5! She wanted to get her hair done like last year. I took her to Club Libby Lu and she got the Royal Princess treatment. She got her hair styled, nails painted and some eye shadow and lip gloss put on. Oh, and lots and lots of glitter! She filled a backpack with makeup and jewelry. She chose the wings and wand as her accessory. We had the whole store to ourselves, she was so excited!

We really celebrated Hailey's birthday all weekend. We do this for all of the kids. We went to her favorite restaurants and play places.





Hailey used all of her birthday money to buy a pink Game Boy with a pink Princess Peach case and some "girl" games.


She loves this Pretty Pretty Princess game. The winner of the game is the one with all of the jewelry on. The boys love playing it with her. They don't even mind the clip on earrings. :)

I took her hair down and it was so curly, I had to take a picture. It didn't capture it that well on camera, but I thought these pictures were cute.


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