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Monday, March 31, 2008

Dean's Appendectomy

We had a big emergency last Thursday. Dean started having stomach pain around 4 am. On my way home from dropping the boys off at school, Dean called me to come right home. He had severe pain in his lower stomach. I rushed him to the ER and they took him back right away. I have never been so scared in my life! It took 5 hours of tests and waiting and then the CAT Scan confirmed it was his appendix. He had laparoscopic surgery shortly there after. The surgery went well and his appendix didn't rupture. Dean was able to come home on Friday. He is resting at home and is feeling a little better each day. The full recovery time is 6 weeks.

We had a wonderful friend pick up the boys from school and take care of them in the afternoon. I had Hailey and Josh the whole day at the hospital. Hailey was an angel and Josh did OK for Josh.:) I had someone offer to watch him, but I knew he would cry, like he does when I leave him at church. Poor little Nathan had a hard time leaving his Daddy at the hospital on Thursday night. I am so glad Dean was able to come home so quick. The kids were so worried and missed him so much.

We had to cancel Matthew's birthday party on Friday and he took it so well. I was so proud of him. We are planning on rescheduling it sometime soon. BTW, the birthday cake count is up to 3 now. :)

Here is a picture I took of Dean in the ER on my cell phone after they gave him the pain medicine.

Here he is today.

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