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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Joshua's 2nd Birthday

Our little baby boy turned 2! I thought his cuteness peeked around his 1st birthday, but he has grown even cuter every day since. He is doing so well. He is eating everything, walking everywhere and is finally learning several words. The therapist comes once a week and Josh is still about 6 months behind, but we are hopeful he will close that gap.

We went to one of Josh's favorite restaurants, Red Robin for dinner. Josh had some chicken sandwich, fries and a banana milkshake with whipped cream and sprinkles. Then, we went to the park and headed home for ice cream cake and presents.

Josh goes down the slide all by himself!

He liked being sung to.

Gotta lick the frosting off of the candles!

Everyone loved the big cardboard bricks! They could play with them for hours.

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